A Comparison of GP Attitudes Towards Dementia in Dorset, Portsmouth and National Data

Short Title GP Attitudes Towards Dementia
Category Post Diagnosis
Organisation Wessex School General Practice
Contact Name Bryony Sales
Contact Email bryony.sales@nhs.net
Web Link http://goo.gl/TNRQTC
Sector Education
Region Dorset Hampshire
Postcode BH1 PO48GA
Active Yes

Attitudes of GPs were assessed in Portsmouth (n=76), Dorset (178), and compared to NAO data (n=1001). More than 80% felt that more could be done to improve QoL in dementia. GPs in Wessex felt 66-71% of families would prefer to be told about dementia (vs. NAO 36%). Only 16-26% felt managing dementia was frustrating (NA: 74%), but fewer than 50% felt that there were satisfactory services anywhere.


Results guided further local educational events and enabled service management.

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