Dementia friendly ward environment at Frimley Park Hospital

Short Title Dementia Friendly Ward: Frimley
Category Post Diagnosis
Organisation NE Hampshire and Farnham CCG
Contact Name Edward Wernick
Contact Email
Web Link
Sector Hospital/Acute Care
Region Hampshire
Postcode GU168UG
Active Yes

This project aims to dedicate a ward area with an outside area and tailor the environment to improve the wellbeing and enhance the recovery of people with dementia whilst at Frimley Park Hospital.

The project is designed to use the Kings Fund Enhancing the Healing Environment
Assessment Tools to identify the areas for improvement needed in the elderly care wards.


Using 5 domains (Legibility, Orientation, Wayfinding, Familiarity and Meaningful Activity) we will redesign one of the ward areas for people with dementia

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