Village Agent Service

Short Title Villlage Agent Service
Category Promoting healthy ageing (prevention)
Organisation Age Concern Hampshire
Contact Name Peter Johnson
Contact Email
Web Link
Sector Voluntary sector
Region Hampshire
Postcode SO23 8BG
Active Yes


The scheme supports older people in rural areas, assisting them to access information and the support services they need. As an active member of their local community a Village Agent directs people to the information about such things as day care, foot care, computer training, transport for shopping and medical appointments, finding reputable tradespeople and help around the home. Village Agents operate in a variety of ways, from supporting individuals in their own homes, to running drop in advice clinics at local community venues, to organising social and well-being activities that encourage people to remain active and avoid loneliness and isolation.


The VA service aims to promote independent and healthy later lives; to assist people to be active in their communities; to maximise income to enable older people to afford the help they need, and to take part in leisure activities, thus tackling social isolation, promoting mental health and preventing decline.

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