Speech & Language Therapy Adult Service

Service ID N/A
Organisation Solent NHS Trust
Category Treatment
Local/National Local
Contact name Ann Rice

Contact email
Phone 02392 683477

Fax N/A
Address Turner Centre,
St James Hospital,
Locksway Road,

Web Links http://www.solent.nhs.uk/service-info.asp?id=...

Regions Southsea

Conditions Speech and Language

Services offered Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)


Location Southsea

Resources http://www.solent.nhs.uk/service-info.asp?id=...

Twitter @SolentNHSTrust


The Solent NHS Trust Adult SLT service supports people aged 16 and above with a range of communication and eating, drinking and swallowing needs. SLT services are provided across Portsmouth City, Havant and East Hants, Fareham and Gosport, Southampton City, West Hants, Romsey and the New Forest. Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) are based in and cover acute hospitals, community hospitals and a full range of community settings e.g. patient homes, residential homes, day centres and colleges. The acute team at Southampton General Hospital and Queen Alexandra Hospital also provide an in-patient service to the infant and children

Referral Criteria

Self-referral GP or Health Professional Consultant

Additional Information


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