The United Kingdom Aquired Brain Injury Forum

Service ID N/A
Organisation The United Kingdom Aquired Brain Injury Forum
Category Support
Local/National National
Contact name N/A
Contact email
Phone 0345 6080788

0845 608 0788

Fax N/A
Address UKABIF,
Box 2539,
Kemp House,
52-160 City Road,

Web Links

Regions UK

Conditions Aquired Brain Injury

Services offered Support

Location UK


Twitter @UKABIF


Our vision is

1. That people with acquired brain injury have early access to good quality local, specialist rehabilitation and follow up services in the community if they are needed.

2. That people with brain injury and their carers have access to all the information they need about brain injury.

3. That people who work in the field of ABI are supported on a local and national basis and have access to networks and educational resources.

4. That organisations working in the field of ABI join forces on issues to raise awareness and improve services.

Referral Criteria


Additional Information


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