Analysis of leukaemia associated antigen gene and protein expression in haematopoietic cells and their capacity to induce anti-tumour immune responses

Study ID: 6430
Short Title: Analysis of Leukaemia Associated Antigens in Myeloid leukaemia
Trust Name: UHS
Recruitment Site: Southampton General Hospital
Disease Area: Haematology
Phase: N/A
Expected End Date: 31/12/2028
Postcode: SO16 6YD
Contact Name: Amanda Pattie
Contact Email:
Active: Yes

Inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria and study summary

• Male and female adults, aged 18 and over • Acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukaemia patients, newly diagnosed or in remission • Chronic myeloid leukaemia patients, newly diagnosed, in chronic phase or at transformation to blast crisis • Myelodysplastic Syndrome patients, newly diagnosed or in remission Myeloma patients, at diagnosis or following treatment including autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplantation. • Normal haematopoietic stem cell donors for stem cell transplantation • Able to provide written informed consent (understanding of the form and what they are signing at a level which reassures the consenting medic that they are competent to do so)

• Known positivity for HIV • Inability to obtain informed consent.

To quantitatively analyse the relative expression of known and novel tumour associated antigens in the peripheral blood and bone marrow samples of haematologically normal donors and myeloid leukaemia patients. Also we will investigate anti-tumour immune responses by T cells from patients.

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