Aspirin Esomeprazole Chemoprevention Trial – EXtension Long-term; for the definitive risks vs benefits. AspECT EXceL is a phase 4, non-interventional, long term, follow-up, single data snapshot of individuals with Barrett's Oesophagus, previously recruited into the AspECT study.

Study ID: 54878
Short Title: AspECT EXceL
Trust Name: PHU
Recruitment Site: Queen Alexandra Hospital
Disease Area: Upper GI
Phase: IV
Expected End Date: 31/01/2024
Postcode: PO6 3LY
Contact Name: Amanda Pattie
Contact Email:
Active: Yes

Inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria and study summary

1. Participants recruited to the original AspECT trial. 2. AspECT participants who have signed an AspECT-EXceL consent form or have the use of personal data covered by another access agreement. 3. Participants who have given consent to allow access to AspECT data or have access covered by another access agreement.

1. Participants who are alive and unable or unwilling to give consent to participate in AspECT ExceL and whose personal data is not covered by any other data access agreement. 2. Participants unwilling to give consent to allow access to AspECT data and are not covered by any other data access agreement. 3. Participants not included in the original AspECT trial.

The principal objective of the study is to continue to follow up the original AspECT participants to see if the effectiveness of aspirin and Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) continues or increases long-term in the prevention of deaths and cancer. This will be done using a one-time snapshot data collection form.

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