Eat Drink Move

Short Title Eat Drink Move
Category Promoting healthy ageing (prevention)
Organisation University Hospital Southampton
Contact Name Sasha Smith
Contact Email
Web Link
Sector Hospital/Acute Care
Region Hampshire
Postcode SO16 6YD
Active Yes


Eat, Drink, Move is part of a national initiative linked to #endpjparalysis and #last1000days looking at how we can value every moment of our patients


The project is ongoing and has so far been rolled out on our Medicine for Older People wards (MOP) and the Acute Medical Unit (AMU). The percentage of patients dressed in their own clothes has risen from 26% up to 44% at its best. Those out of bed has risen from 47% to 77% at its best. More than this though we are promoting a change in culture and attitude and slowly we are starting to see a real shift in this. During March, April and May 77 patients were seen by mobility volunteers on MOP a total of 129 times. This can be for bed/chair exercises or mobility and helps prevent deconditioning during their inpatient stay.

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