Information and Advice Service Hampshire

Short Title Information and Advice Service Hampshire
Category Promoting healthy ageing (prevention)
Organisation Age Concern Hampshire
Contact Name Suzanne Gill
Contact Email
Web Link
Sector Voluntary sector
Region Hampshire
Postcode SO23 8UJ
Active Yes


We provide information and advice to any older person, their family, friends, carers or neighbours, on services and activities available to them. We can carry out benefits checks and assist with applications including form filling. We advise and assist on aspects of finances, housing, care and support, health care issues, transport, carer support, consumer issues, help in the home and legal information. We can assist people find reliable tradespeople and practical help. We provide information over the phone, via email and face to face including home visits where needed.


To promote independent and healthy later life, assist people to be active in their communities, and maximise income to enable older people afford the help they need, and to take part in leisure activities, tackling social isolation, promoting mental health and preventing decline.

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