Specialist Nurses and Co-ordinators - Multiple Sclerosis

Service ID N/A
Organisation University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Category Treatment
Local/National Local
Contact name Carrie Day, lead multiple sclerosis specialist nurse

Lesley Kempson, multiple sclerosis specialist nurse

Carlene Ford, multiple sclerosis infusion nurse

Contact email N/A
Phone 023 8120 6864

Fax N/A
Address University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust,
Tremona Road,

Web Links http://www.uhs.nhs.uk/OurServices/Brainspinea...

Regions Wessex

Conditions Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Services offered Specialist Nurse


Location Southampton

Resources http://www.uhs.nhs.uk/OurServices/Brainspinea...


Twitter @UHSFT


A specialist nurse is a qualified nurse who had acheived a specialist level of knowledge, experience and skill in a specific condition or area of health management. The specialist nurse is often the clincal lead for the service that helps to manage the symptoms and effects of the condition through the care pathway

Referral Criteria

Please follow the referral instructions for the specific service

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